Tomato Soup Bread Bowl Recipe


1 piece of round white bread, 4 slices of cheese, some butter, tomato soup – the best is the roasted Motion Cooking Tomato Soup 🙂


Cut the lid off the bread … About 1cm thick.
With a knife you cut a cow into the inner of the bread … Do not cut the ground.
Carefully remove and place aside.

The inside of the hollowed-out bread is smeared with butter.
Put 3 slices of cheese inside. So that everything is covered in the inner.
Wrap the bread in aluminum foil and place in the oven at 180 ° C for 12 minutes.

Just before the bread is ready, take the piece of the bread you have cut out.
Cut it in the middle and put a slice of cheese pure.
Other half back on it and toaste it. Either in a table grill or in a pan.

So … bread out of the oven and fill it with tomato soup. Here I can recommend my roasted tomato soup 🙂
With the small cheese toastie injected and enjoy. At the end, do not forget the bread: P


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